Barcelona 2009

Barcelona 2009

Local News Stories

El Barça, el único invicto

FC Barcelona is the only unbeatable team in the first three divisions of Spanish Football. With FC Barcelona's win against Espanyol, Barca's unbeaten record matched the team of 1984-1985.

Barcelona is heading out for Abu Dhabi, who has a chance to win the World Cup next week.
FC Barcelona has two games to break the world record amount of titles in one season.

Deportes en Barcelona-La Vanguardia

Barcelona will have a comprehensive program of sports in the city. People who enjoy running, soccier, spinning, etc. are brought together and synchonize their schedules to workout and sweat together. Planning physical activity and health will promote sports in hopes or bettering quality of life in an educational and social setting.

Sports counselor Pere Alcober says that he hopes to create a social network that motivates people with sports as their connection and unifying source.

Some specific programs-wont be limited to public parks in the city but the intention is that private entities and all other institutions connect through sports.

The article also discussed the role fast food chains play in European Society. They are now seeing more overweight and obesity in Europe then ever before from places such as Mcdonalds and Starbucks.

Barcelona wants to start 3 programs-practica, camina and activate. There will be 42 urban routes in 73 neighborhoods. There will be classes of Tai Chi in parks, right now its starting in 4 districts but they are hoping it will spread to all of Barcelona.

Autoridad en Barcelona
On Friday Spains central government gave permission to the Minister of Public Works to allow construction work 677.12 million euros in Sagrera.

The Barcelona mayor, Jordi Hereu, stay "We now know Barcelona's won the Christmas lottery."
The construction will be a huge states for a public transportation network. They estimate that 100 million users will use it yearly. There will be high speed trains that connnect with other networks such as taxis, buses and other types of transport.

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